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Circullar Letter – Subject: Reminder of mandatory documents for the registration of the vessel

To: Shipping Agents, Ship-owners/Operators, Ship-owners representants Subject: Original documents for the provisional/permannet registration of the ships The Naval Agency has undertaken proactive measures to inform all concerned on Moldova’s position with respect to original and color copy documents mentioned below for the the provisional/permannet registration of the ships.  The Naval… Read More »Circullar Letter – Subject: Reminder of mandatory documents for the registration of the vessel

New Circullar Letter – Subject: Moldova’s Original documents on board the vessel

To: Port State Control (PSC), Shipping Agents, Ship-owners/Operators, General Safety Inspectors (GSI), Recognized Organisations (ROs) Subject: MOLDOVA’S ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS The Naval Agency has undertaken proactive measures to inform all concerned on Moldova’s position with respect to on-board copies of the required flag state documents mentioned below. The Naval Agency of… Read More »New Circullar Letter – Subject: Moldova’s Original documents on board the vessel

Судовладельцам эксплатирующим суда под флагом Молдовы по реке Дунай

Судовладельцам эксплатирующим суда под флагом Молдовы по реке Дунай, об обеспечении беспрепятственных перевозок грузов по реке Дунай из портов Румынии, должны, через портового агента, отправить запрос на электронный адрес laurentiu.radulescu@mt.ro и dtindir@mt.ro с указанием наименования судов, участвующих в перевозке, их номера IMO  или EU, а также количество и типа перевозимых грузов.

Notă informativă referitor la nava AMAZON, proprietarul și operatorul acestuia

Notă informativă referitor la nava AMAZON de tip RO-RO (nava de transportare a autovehiculelor), proprietarul și operatorul acestuia. Agenția Navală a stabilit faptul că proprietarul și operatorul navei a transportat prin intermediul navei AMAZON sub pavilionul Republicii Moldova 50 de unități de autovehicule militare de tip KIRPI 4×4 din portul… Read More »Notă informativă referitor la nava AMAZON, proprietarul și operatorul acestuia

Nota informativă privind nava AMAZON (nr. IMO 7702657)

Nota informativă privind nava AMAZON (nr. IMO 7702657) înregistrată sub pavilionul Republicii Moldova            Nava AMAZON (nr. IMO 7702657) –       Nava RO-RO cargo. –       Tonajul navei – 5613 trb –       Anul de construcție – 1978 –       Lungimea – 118,73 m –       Lățimea – 18,83 m –       Pescaj – 4,95 m… Read More »Nota informativă privind nava AMAZON (nr. IMO 7702657)


Ships fitted with AIS shall maintain AIS in operation at all times except where international agreements, rules or standards provide for the protection of navigational information. AIS Applies to: 1. All ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages; 2. Cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and… Read More »CIRCULLAR LETTER 91 – Subject: AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM (AIS)