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Comunicat de presă privind nava RHOSUS

Cu privire la informația apărută în sursele de mass-media referitoare la deflagrația din portul Beirut, Agenția Navală a Republicii Moldova comunică următoarele.            La momentul actual este prematur de indicat cauza și sursa deflagrației, asupra acestui fapt trebuie să se expună, după finalizarea investigațiilor corespunzătoare, autoritățile competente din Liban, și… Read More »Comunicat de presă privind nava RHOSUS

OPERATIONAL DIRECTIVE No. 196 from 31st of March 2020

OPERATIONAL DIRECTIVE No. 196 from 31st of March 2020 Extension of statutory inspections and issuance/endorsement of statutory certificates, extension of certificates of endorsements issued under I/10 of the  STCW Convention, due to COVID-19 pandemic period TO: SHIP-OWNERS, MANAGING COMPANIES, RO’S AND OTHER CONCERNED Pursuant to art.61 paragraph 3, paragraph 4 from… Read More »OPERATIONAL DIRECTIVE No. 196 from 31st of March 2020

Circullar Letter No. 173 from 23rd of March 2020 about MOLDOVA’S ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS

CIRCULLAR LETTER MOLDOVA’S ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS No. 173 from 23rd of March 2020 To: Port State Control (PSC), Shipping Agents, Ship-owners/Operators, General Safety Inspectors (GSI), Recognized Organisations (ROs) The Naval Agency has undertaken proactive measures to inform all concerned on Moldova’s position with respect to on-board copies of the required flag… Read More »Circullar Letter No. 173 from 23rd of March 2020 about MOLDOVA’S ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS

Circullar Letter – Subject: The mandatory submit of inspection/survey reports to the Administration

No. 529 from 10 December 2019 To: Shipping Agents, Ship-owners/Operators, Ship-owners representants Subject: Survey/Inspection Reports The Naval Agency has undertaken proactive measures to inform Masters, Ship-Owners, Barebout-charters and Operators of the ships, the Moldova’s position regarding the mandatory submit of inspection/survey reports. Hereby, the Naval Agency of the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter… Read More »Circullar Letter – Subject: The mandatory submit of inspection/survey reports to the Administration

Nava de pasageri LEGENDA – Prescripție interzicerea exploatării navei și îndeplinirea prescripțiilor înaintate

În urma examinării tehnice a navei de pasageri ”LEGENDA”, cu Nr. de înregistrare în Registrul de stat a navelor MD-M-05-142, efectuată la 31 iulie 2019, în baza prevederilor art. 10 alin. (4), art. 12, art. 31 alin. (3), (6) şi (7) al Legii nr. 176 din 12.07.2013 cu privire la transportul naval… Read More »Nava de pasageri LEGENDA – Prescripție interzicerea exploatării navei și îndeplinirea prescripțiilor înaintate